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Social Media Marketing

"color: red;">Communication, in the 21st century, has undergone a sea change. Today we are always connected via social networks. As of 2019 Facebook is used by 2.38 billion people, Twitter is used by 336 million people worldwide. People don't flock to their televisions anymore, neither is reading newspapers a trend today. These things are replaced by the internet and social media. In the business perspective, all these people are potential customers. So to reach out to these people, businesses today engage in social media marketing, they advertise their products, try to create buzz words about their company and convinces them to visit their website and ultimately buy their products. Marketing and promotions these days are incomplete without social media marketing. Image by William Iven from Pixabay Why Is Social Media Marketing Gaining Traction - Traditional marketing platforms like TVs or newspapers are gradually losing their sheen. Social media

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